Sunday, September 14, 2008

Run with joy, run with joy.

I listened to the CBC broadcast of Definitely Not the Opera and it was all about running. A good listen. Here's the description from their website:

Take a jog with DNTO (09/13/08)

Why do we run? What are we running to... or from? Sook-Yin takes a jog with Olympic sprinter Anson Henry, and runs in inappropriate places with the ladies from the Movement Movement. And running coach Gilbert Tuhabonye tells us his remarkable story of running to survive. Plus, comedian Alix Sobler looks into getting the runner's high; and Rachel Sanders explains why we have so many dreams about running.

I especially liked Gilbert Tuhabonye story of survival, describing when he had to literally run for his life. It puts things into perspective. His mantra is, "run with joy". I love it.

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