Monday, April 13, 2009

So far so good

With some reluctance I agreed to join Kevin S. for a run of the "tour de trail". We met at 8:00 this morning and I was praying that my hip would feel good, as it has been improving since my last run. If I was exercising better judgement, I probably wouldn't have agreed to the run, as it's just over 1 hour of easy running. As it turned out, we ran for 1:07:30; and, despite my judgement, and thankfully, my hip felt good. 

Good weather too. The trails were muddy, but the skies were sunny. I'd much rather get wet from moisture coming directly from terra firma as opposed to the sky.

When I got home I popped a couple of ibuprofen for good measure, and will test out the leg and hip tomorrow on a decidedly shorter course of around 30 min. 

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