Friday, August 18, 2006

Start at the stop line

Lisa M. stopped by shortly after nine in the morning for a run, as we had arranged by email the night before. Lisa is a strong runner, and additionally she has picture perfect running form. If there is to be a video made on how you should look while running, she would be the model. She also is the strongest downhill runner I've witnessed. Most people don't realize that there is a method to being an efficient downhill runner, I personally haven't figured it out; but for Lisa it comes naturally. I've seen her kick a 34 min. 10k runner's butt heading downhill. She's a really good runner (and person) and it's always nice to run with her.

We ran the seawalk for a little over 2K, till we hit the corner of Courtenay and Willingdon Ave. At the stop line painted on the road it was time to pick up the pace, and so, hit my watch. We ran at ~ 3:53 pace (I'm guessing here) completely by feel, as there were no distance markers, just running by time. My plan was to run for 12min. out through the Beach trail and then turn around and head back, this would give me about 6k at tempo pace. Lisa started off with me at the "stop" line and ran for about a km., and picked up with me on the way back. At exactly the 12 min. point I turned around and headed back to the "stop" line which really was the stop line this time. I did the last leg in 11:57, so I was pleased with my pacing. A cool down of 2K wrapped up the 10k run and this workout was in the blog.


One of my favourite athletes is running a 10k Sat. night: Gebrselassie returns to Italy this weekend as he prepares for Berlin

"The earth was made round so we would not see too far down the road."-- Karen Blixen

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