Tuesday, January 16, 2007


We avoided snow today, which is a good thing from a runners perspective. I had it in my mind that I'd be doing a short evening run today; and it was, at 31' with 8x(~20-40 sec) pickups after 10' running. The pickups were unstructured -- just picking up the pace, maintaining good form, when there were no cars or ice on the streets.

I was lent a book sometime ago by Stephanie, it's something of an unremarkable running book; but it's sitting next to me toilet, and I read a page now and then. The title is somehow fitting for its chosen reading location......[pause here, as I go get it]...... I just went to go fetch the book, to type out the one good quote in the whole damn thing, and my wife decided to return it today. Go figure. No quote. No pithy comment.

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