Friday, June 29, 2007

3K? Not today.....

While at work today, my right buttock/hip area felt a bit strained all day. This was causing me a bit of worry as I was scheduled for a hard 3K run today. I was going to do it, but I felt that doing it in a couple of days would provide a better chance at success. So, after work, and a quick discussion with my coach, we agreed to postpone this workout till Tues. In the meantime I'm to run easy till then.

After dinner, I had the rare treat of running with Barrie M. It's probably been 6 months since the last time we ran together, and it was a nice change to run and chat at a very easy pace. We ran for about 45', bumping into Coach and family along the way. I didn't recognize Coach in the over-sized sunglasses and the vintage pickup truck till I was practically next to him. It must have been the out-of-context meeting.

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