Thursday, August 16, 2007

Strange brew


After work did some pace work at 10k race pace. On the track I did 5X100, 2X800, 2X1600, and 5X100. This was all preceded by a 1600m warmup, drills, and strides.


Met up with the run club in Wildwood, and ran for 40' in the trails around the "Joint Venture", and a loop that is affectionately known (in many circles) as "Lisa's Loop". It was a hot evening that offered up a gorgeous view from the top of one of the hills. We had a great tour of the area from Lorne: and best of all, he bought me a beer at the local pub afterwards. Hey, with running companions like that, I'll head up to the "uplands" more often. Do you need a passport yet?

I'm just glad Alston didn't head to the pub, 'cause I offered to buy.....he's a former rugby player...... 'nuff said.

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