Friday, January 05, 2007

5K "Tempo"

My infernal cough won't leave me. I had thoughts of skipping today's run and doing it tomorrow, but I know I'd regret that in the morning. I ran the treadmill tonight and thought I'd keep the run short, but tough. Coach had me scheduled for a quality run today, so I obliged with a brisk 5K after a 1 mile warm up (and A's and B's)...... How's that for mixing my metric and imperial systems...... After the 5K, there was a couple of minutes where fellow gym patrons may have thought I was coughing up a lung, but once again I held it down.

Given my state today, I was satisfied with my effort.


This should be a good race: Bernard Lagat to Face Craig Mottram in Wanamaker Mile at 100th Millrose Games


Michael said...

Good job on the run particularly if you’re not feeling well, careful not to over do it though.

Anonymous said...

Give your poor lungs a rest, they are trying to tell you something!
I'm sure you are enjoying your rest day today.