Thursday, May 24, 2007


The whole family hopped in the car and went to the park in the late afternoon. It was a good time of day, and start point for me to run 8K, via the beach trail to the mill, plus a couple of loops of the XC course I use at the old golf course. The family played at the park while I headed north.

I ran for a total of 37:30 and I ran the last k in 3:48, where I felt I was just cruising from the trestle bridge to the big 'ol leaning tree in the middle of Willingdon beach. I felt like I was just motoring along, and felt quite strong, considering the effort I expended.

In closing, I should mention it was a beautiful day and I ran in the heat of it -- and loved it. Ball cap, sunscreen, sweat dripping from the end of my nose, and extra light clothing made it feel like summer proper. A short, good run.


Anonymous said...

Hey! This is the first blog in a while that speaks of strong legs while not mentioning a lingering cough. Have you dropped the cough? If so, awesome. You were sick at the best time.

Lawrence said...

The cough is gone.